On this page, you will find a sample of five micro-learning units produced by CramdenTECH for non-profits and client training organisations. Units form part of a larger sequence of course material, designed to meet the requirements of specific learning objects. To view a unit on any device, click the orange ‘Launch’ button beneath each unit name.
Sample 1: Using BoardPASS as a Meetings Management Platform (explainer/promotional unit)
This unit is embedded on the BoardPASS 365 Meetings Management page. It introduces key features of the cloud platform and how it may be used to simplify board meetings workflow management. Web link: https://www.cramdentechsolutions.com/meetings-management/
Sample 2: Features of Customer Service (one topic from a QQI Level 5 Customer Service course)
This unit is one topic from a course designed to meet the requirements of a QQI course in Customer Service. Content may be adapted to suit an individual companies needs.
Sample 3: Allergens Awareness Training (accredited client course)
This unit is one of ten from an accredited HACCP course delivered online. This unit is embedded on the clients website: http://www.catercare.ie/onlinetraining/
To view the free unit, please click the link: https://www.buildfutureskills.com/wp-content/uploads/articulate_uploads/Cater_Care_Food_Allergies9/
Sample 4: Explaining Community Centre Entry/Exit Procedures
This unit is designed for volunteers who must be able to easily access the entry/exit procedures from their Smartphones, during weekends. All CramdenTECH eLearning units are mobile responsive. The unit can be updated whenever the access codes change, so volunteers always have access to the correct codes.
Sample 5: Setting a Board Meeting Agenda
This unit simplifies the agenda setting process for a non-profit board. The principles apply to most meetings however.
Clients can obtain eLearning units with voice overs and audio embedded on each screen should this be required. CramdenTECH works with professional voice over artists for this purpose.